LMI Gocator Laser System

The Ames Gocator Laser System is a sensor which uses a line laser to provide a simulated tire tread pattern in order to reduce artificially high IRI values during profile collection. Available on both our High Speed and Lightweight Inertial Profilers, this sensor directly replaces the RoLine sensors. If you are profiling ground or tined concrete, this is the sensor that will perform the best.

Geocator Laser Mounted

Geocator Laser In Use
5K Geocator Features
- - Best choice for use on ground or longitudinally tined concrete surfaces
- - Reduces inflated IRI and PI values caused by pavement texture
- - Bridges transverse and longitudinal joints; and reduces their effect on profile measurements
- - Better profiler repeatability on textured surfaces, meets ASTM E 950
- - Currently in use for QC/QA testing by state DOT’s as well as paving contractors